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Australia – Geography and climate

Key Facts and Geography:

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. Australia is an island, surrounded by water, lying between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is located on the smallest continent in the world.

Population: 17.5 million

Geographic size: 2.97 million square miles  or 7 682 300 sq km (about 21.5 times bigger than            Germany)

Capital: Canberra

Major cities and population: Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, and Adelaide. Over 70% of Australians live in cities or towns. Most of this population lives in the eastern and southern coasts, and around Perth in the west.

  • Australia can be divided into three major areas:
  • Eastern Highlands
  • Central Lowlands
  • Western Plateau


The desert outback covers most of the interior. It is too hot, dry and barren to support many people.

Eastern Australia has large areas of grasslands, used primarily for sheep and cattle ranches.

It is famous for its “outback”, a mostly flat desert with some low mountains, including the giant Ayers Rock.

Eastern Australia has large areas of grasslands, used primarily for sheep and cattle ranches.


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  • The extreme north of the continent is a tropical region
  • The climate is harsh and dryin large parts of the continent
  • In south and east more moderate
  • Australian seasons are the opposite of those in Europe
  • All regions enjoy warm summers and mild winters and it rarely snows in the capital cities



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